Publication Ethics

The Journal of Language and Literature upholds the highest standards of ethical conduct in scholarly publishing. Authors, reviewers, editors, and the journal itself are expected to adhere to the following principles:

Authors' Responsibilities:

  1. Originality and Plagiarism: Authors must ensure that their work is entirely original and properly cited. Any form of plagiarism is unacceptable and will result in immediate rejection.

  2. Authorship: All individuals who have made significant contributions to the research or manuscript must be listed as authors. Proper acknowledgment of sources and funding is essential.

  3. Data Integrity: Authors should provide accurate data and ensure the integrity of their research findings. Fabrication, falsification, or selective reporting of data are unethical practices.

  4. Conflict of Interest: Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the interpretation or evaluation of their work.

  5. Peer Review: Authors should participate in the peer review process and be willing to respond to reviewers' comments and suggestions in a constructive manner.

Reviewers' Responsibilities:

  1. Objectivity: Reviewers should evaluate manuscripts objectively, based on their academic merit, relevance, and originality, regardless of authors' identity, affiliation, or other biases.

  2. Confidentiality: Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the review process and refrain from discussing the manuscript with anyone not involved in the review process.

  3. Conflict of Interest: Reviewers should decline to review manuscripts in which they have a conflict of interest due to competitive, collaborative, or other relationships with the authors.

Editors' Responsibilities:

  1. Fairness: Editors are responsible for making fair and unbiased decisions on manuscripts, based on academic merit and relevance to the journal's scope.

  2. Confidentiality: Editors must ensure the confidentiality of the review process and protect the anonymity of reviewers and authors.

  3. Conflict of Interest: Editors should recuse themselves from handling manuscripts in which they have a conflict of interest, and delegate the decision-making process to another editor or reviewer.

  4. Publication Decisions: Editors should base publication decisions on the validity of the research, its importance to the field, and its adherence to ethical standards, rather than commercial interests or personal biases.

Journal's Responsibilities:

  1. Transparency: The journal should provide clear and transparent guidelines for authors, reviewers, and editors regarding publication ethics and processes.

  2. Integrity: The journal must take appropriate measures to address and prevent any breaches of publication ethics, including plagiarism, authorship disputes, and conflicts of interest.

  3. Correction and Retraction: The journal should promptly correct errors or inaccuracies in published articles and, when necessary, retract articles that are found to have serious ethical or methodological flaws.

  4. Editorial Independence: The journal should maintain editorial independence from any external influences, including funding agencies, sponsors, or commercial interests, to ensure the integrity and objectivity of its content.