Multimodality, Visual Grammar, IntersemioticAbstract
The study intends to look into how verbal and visual modes are used in phone commercials, as well as how the modes work together to reinforce the overall message and what their meanings are. The examination of the Generic Structure framework of advertising (Cheong, 2004), Visual Grammar (Kress & Van Leeuwen, 2006), Systemic Functional Grammar (Halliday, 2014), and Intersemiotic Complementarity (Royce, 2007) is the main emphasis of this type of descriptive qualitative research. The results demonstrate that the verbal components of the generic structures of the Samsung and iPhone commercials are comparable. In contrast to Samsung's campaign, the iPhone commercial places a greater emphasis on visual aspects through the use of a visual logo. Both advertising have compositional, interactive, and representational meanings in visual modalities. Additionally, both commercials have logical and experiential roles in verbal mode. Through the relationships of repetition and meronymy in the iPhone commercial and repetition, synonymy, meronymy, and collocation in the Samsung campaign, verbal and visual modes help each other to produce cohesiveness. The message of the commercial is more effectively communicated and persuaded when it is cohesive, which piques viewers' interest in buying the goods.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Muhassin, Denti Karnisa, Istiqomah Nur Rahmawati, Dewi Ayu Hidayati (Author)

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