
  • Ahmad Iqbal Hs UIN Raden Intan Lampung Author


Perspective, Translation Tools, Arabic


This study critically examines lecturers' perspectives on the use of online translation tools in Arabic language education, focusing on their potential, challenges, and pedagogical implications. The increasing integration of tools like Google Translate and DeepL in educational contexts has reshaped teaching methodologies and learning experiences. However, the use of such tools raises concerns about accuracy, dependency, and their impact on language proficiency. Employing a qualitative approach with a descriptive analytical method, this research explores the nuanced views of Arabic language educators from diverse academic backgrounds. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with 20 lecturers. Thematic analysis revealed several key findings. While most participants acknowledged the benefits of online translation tools in improving accessibility and efficiency, they also highlighted significant challenges, including inaccuracies in handling Arabic’s complex syntax and cultural nuances. Furthermore, lecturers expressed concerns about students' over-reliance on these tools, which could hinder critical language acquisition skills. The findings suggest a need for balanced integration of online translation tools in Arabic language education. Lecturers emphasized the importance of guiding students to use these tools as supplementary aids rather than primary learning resources, fostering independent and critical language skills. This study underscores the pivotal role of educators in leveraging technology to enhance language learning while addressing its limitations


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2024-12-20 — Updated on 2024-12-30





How to Cite

LECTURERS’ PERSPECTIVES ON THE USE OF ONLINE TRANSLATION TOOLS IN ARABIC LANGUAGE EDUCATION: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS. (2024). The Journal of Language and Literature Insights, 1(3), 75-81. https://journal.edukasiliterasibangsa.com/index.php/jlli/article/view/25 (Original work published 2024)