Vocabulary size, EFL Students, Tertiary levelAbstract
The research aims to know what is the vocabulary size of first-semester students at English Department and how significance of the vocabulary size towards EFL undergraduates’ students. Furthermore, by administering the Nation and Beglar vocabulary size tests, the research aims to provide a thorough grasp of vocabulary size so that teacher may gauge their students' vocabulary levels. Therefore, measuring students' vocabulary size is essential for determining their level of language proficiency, creating efficient learning plans, and guiding the creation of curriculum and language support services. It is an essential part of teaching and learning languages, and its importance affects students' success both academically and professionally. Moreover, the research also employs quantitative as research method. The average vocabulary size for the first semester of the English Department is 5.998 word-families. Students had sufficient vocabulary for basic oral communication, as evidenced by the fact that 98.4% of participants had 2000 word-families or more. Additionally, because they have 3000 word-families and more, 94.8% of the students are able to read real authentic text
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